Last week, members of UT Dallas Esports and UT Dallas Student Ambassadors hosted Game Glow, in place of Oozeball 2020, for celebrating of North Texas Giving Day to help raise funds for the UT Dallas Student Emergency Fund. With the help of our students, we were able to make Game Glow 2020 a HUGE SUCCESS and help raise over $2,000 funds for students in need during this unprecedented time.
For those who like cool stats and numbers, Esports has created the following report for Game Glow:
For those interested in our marketing graphics, you can see the full Game Glow 2020 Event Report & Marketing packet at: A special thank you to our Esports Student-Staff for key roles in helping make Game Glow 2020 possible: Eric Aaberg, Hector Mavrakis, Melisa Martinez, Bora Gomez, Anthony Reyes, Kelsi Tresko, and Vinson Huang.