With our program entering a new year, our Marketing Team has been working on new ways to keep students, staff/faculty, alumni, fans, family members, and our community engaged with our daily content. From managing our social media channels to our Discord Server, there’s tons of content that goes out from UT Dallas Esports every week. We are always looking of new ways to improve our content and channels, to not only increase fan engagement, but to grow our community to the fullest.

We’d like to introduce a new way for fans of #UTDEsports to get their latest information & updates from our program…. introducing the UT Dallas Esports Newsletter! Signup for our newsletter to receive a weekly email of our match schedules, program updates, weekly/monthly events, tryout information, and more. We promise we won’t be spamming your inboxes, keeping it short and simple with ~1 email a week!

Signup for our Weekly Newsletter